
UK Casinos

Friday, 2 December 2011


Just Another Casino Opening !

Queue before opening
Well not exactly, It was another new casino on a very large scale and of course the first with the 2005 Large Licence. In my time at TCSJH I have probably been to more casino openings than most and what struck me as I entered the casino was the vast amount of people on the gaming floor,(not a lot of people in a small space) a VAST amount of people in a very large space and as far as the eye could see, this was at 4.30pm ! Astonishing as the VIP guests were not due until 8pm.

All this was achieved with what seemed very little advertising or marketing, except for social media (Facebook). As I looked around the casino it defiantly had the feel of a "Vegas" casino with the help of the 150 slots, 80 T Bets and of course the People . The place was ALIVE, the atmosphere was buzzing with a mix of seasoned punters, first timers, along with the casual gamers and the voyeurs.

The Competition
        Hippodrome, London Clubs, Gala, Stanley, they were all at the opening.
I am sure they were all a little torn with there emotions, wanting the new large venue licence to work so it pushes the industry onwards and forward to more large licence clubs or at the very least an increase the amount of machines allowed on the gaming floor, BUT then not to do to well and effect there own attendance and profit figures

Is it the Future ?

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