Great Yarmouth Casino Large Licence Decided
After 18 months of council processes the Great Yarmouth Casino large Licence has been decided (barring any appeal). There were 2 applications for the Great Yarmouth Casino 2005 gaming act licence. Patrick Duffy of Palatial Leisure Ltd and Albert Jones of Pleasure and Leisure Property Cooperation Ltd.
A unanimous decision was reached by the Licence Committee and the Great Yarmouth Casino Large Licence was awarded to:
Albert Jones of Pleasure and Leisure. The intended site for the new Great Yarmouth Casino is within the complex called the Edge . This is to include a 8 screen cinema, bars , restaurants, bowling alley, hotel and of course the Great Yarmouth Casino.
Albert Jones of Pleasure and Leisure and the New Great Yarmouth Casino quoted
“Pleasure and Leisure Corporation are delighted to have won the casino licence after more than 10 years of hard work.
“I would like to dedicate this success to my late father Jimmy who gave so much support throughout the long drawn out procedure. My thanks also to Karen Hawes of Hawes Price Ltd for her tireless efforts in helping to secure the licence.
“We hope that this will be the start of major investment in Great Yarmouth, create hundreds of full and part-time jobs and boost the local economy. If all goes to plan work should start on site before the end of the year.”
The Great Yarmouth Casino plans to be open 24 hours and be a big positive impact to the employment of the local and surrounding communities, this will have had a contributing factor towards being issued with the License for the Great Yarmouth Casino.
The Great Yarmouth Casino Licence is now the 3rd 2005 gaming act Licence to be issued, the 2 previous have been awarded to Aspers Casinos. Their first was by the Newham Council for their casino in Stratford. The Aspers Casino Stratford in the Westfield Centre has seen amazing success since its opening day. This can only improve once the Olympics start later this year which is in walking distance of the Casino. Aspers second licence has just been awarded for the 2005 Large Licence in Milton Keynes and is expected to be open some time in 2013.
Chairman of the License Committee for the Great Yarmouth Casino Licence said
It was a straightforward, unanimous decision. It was reached fairly. It’s good for the town and if you look at the government criteria for casinos, the first priority was that it must be beneficial to the town.
“It will be open all year round so employment will be improved. They will also use local suppliers so it will boost employment and that is what we need in Great Yarmouth.”
Great Yarmouth Casino Licence ! What’s your view, Have your say Here !
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